How can I pay my bill?
Send a check with your invoice to:
520 S. Caln Road East Fallowfield, PA 19320
Call (610) 384-6005 and we can change your Credit Card over the phone
How often should I have my septic tank or cesspool cleaned and inspected?
For systems with 4 or more residents, we recommend having them cleaned and inspected on a yearly basis.
For systems with 3 or fewer residents, we suggest having them serviced every two years.
If your system has a garbage disposal, filter, cesspool or seepage pit, it should be cleaned and inspected annually. Contact Eldredge today to learn more about our septic maintenance services and how we can help you keep your system in optimal condition.
Will you do an inspection or a hydraulic load test while it’s raining?
At Eldredge, we prefer not to perform these services during a heavy rain event. Doing so could lead to inaccurate results and could cost you time and money. We recommend waiting at least 48 hours after a heavy rain event before having your septic system inspected or tested.
Do you do proposals from other company’s septic inspection reports?
We do second opinions and proposals on reports that were previously done on a system. All you need to do is email us a copy of the report and we will be glad to give you our proposal on the work that has been completed.
Should a septic system be pumped before an inspection?
At Eldredge, we recommend that you have your septic system inspected first before considering pumping it. Contact us today to learn more about our septic inspection services and how we can help you evaluate your system.
What is a hydraulic load test and when it should be performed?
A hydraulic load test is an important tool for evaluating the performance of a septic system. This test measures the amount of wastewater a system can process in a given time and is used to determine the system’s capacity and whether any repairs should be made.
This test should be performed if:
The home has been vacant for more than 7 days or
If the number of people moving in is greater than the number of people moving out of the home.
At Eldredge, we specialize in performing hydraulic load tests to ensure your septic system is in optimal condition. Contact us today to learn more about our hydraulic load testing services.
When will it be required that a septic tank be cleaned out to pass inspection?
When the thickness of the floatable solids and the depth of the settled solids are equal to or greater than 20% of the total depth of the tank, it will be required that the tank be cleaned out in order to pass inspection. At Eldredge, we specialize in septic inspections and can provide you with a comprehensive report of our findings. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you ensure your septic system meets inspection requirements.